Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dream a Million Dreams

I sat in the library today for I don't know how long. I was surrounded by towering shelves filled with hardcover books filled with thousands upon thousands of words about anything you could ever dream of wanting to know about. I started thinking about what it would take to read every one of those books in there. How many years, lifetimes would it take to make your way through every last one of them? And then at your completion what would you become? I know I am always alter a tiny bit, in perspective, in reverence and in awe when I finish a book. I can only imagine how satisfied one's mind might be at having the chance to devour every work of art ever written. I know there are good books and less than good books; but lets say you were given the chance to read every recommended GREAT book ever known to man?

Having been raised in a Christian home my beliefs about life and afterlife include a dreamy place called heaven. I started to consider today what heaven may be like if there are no books there to read...I guess I won't follow up too much on the idea for fear of sacrilege in my petty blog.
I have always been known to be a dreamer. I wait for futures far too great and expansive to ever fit in one life time. I dream of visiting far too many countries and small villas that I know my given years will probably never allow. I expect to complete novels and art works that I have not yet begun and have only mildly considered. I don't what it is in me that makes me hope for the seemingly impossible but I cannot stop myself from dreaming it. The bible says God put eternity in our hearts. I can attest to the truth of that...

So from here I just keep on dreaming and just like with the vivid dreams that entertain me in my sleep, my day dreams wholly fill my time and I am taking the very slow steps to waking up to the possibility of making them come true. Here's hoping!

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